Visual Doctor Software

Emergency Urgent Care (ER)

Product Description

Practice Management Software For Consultant Doctor

Computerization of Clinic/Small Hospital/Single Consultant Doctor
You can always think of starting computerization with the department where you are facing more trouble. Ultimate aim should be to computerize entire setup, if possible.
If you Select a software which is module based & where implementation is not dependent you can achieve this task.
Below are the listed module in any practice. Based on your existing setup certain module may not be required. You can start with one or more modules.
Front Office
Appointment (offline/online) Management
Token Display System
OPD/Indoor Billing Solution
SMS/Email facility
Back Office
Indoor Management
Discharge Card
Claim Process
Inventory Management
Radiology Reporting
Staff Management
Important Reminders.
EMR/Clinical Record
OPD EMR (Based on Specialty)
Indoor EMR
OT Management
Research Based Product
Patient Education

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