CONSRV infotech

CONSRV infotech

Emergency Urgent Care (ER)
  • Rakshak nagar khardi, Pune, Maharashtra, India, 411014
  • *******078
  • ja****@******.in
  • N/A
  • Established: N/A

Company Profile

CONSRV is a business aligned technology services provider with proven capabilities in JAVA Application Development & Maintenance, Big Data, web Development, Management information systems software, Customer relationship management software, Resource augmentation. CONSRV is rapidly growing company. Roll of CONSRV is to provide better solution for the business which will generate effective business of the customer. CONSRV’s main aim is customer satisfaction. we have trained java developer which are working hard for customer satisfaction. We believe in building long term business relationship to help achieve your business goals. CONSRV is a leading technology and services provider company dedicated to the resourceful use of software development. CONSRV have qualities like good track record, technical strength, sensible, honest, innovative, creative skills, and dedicated to work. We are customer-focused, continually looking to innovate and enhance our products, service and solutions. CONSRV’s services are designed to meet the unique business needs of client. We assist clients in realizing their business potential.Visit :- consrvin Contact: - info@consrvin

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