Oniyosys Testing Services Pvt. Ltd

Oniyosys Testing Services Pvt. Ltd

Emergency Urgent Care (ER)
  • 306, 3rd Floor, Baba Complex, Zanzarda Road, Vishnu Colony, Junagadh, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, 362001
  • Other Location 1: 306, 3rd Floor, Baba Complex, Zanzarda Road, Vishnu Colony, Junagadh, Lehra Gaga, Biltine, French Guiana, 362001
  • *******887
  • av*******@******com
  • http://oniyosys.com
  • Established: 2005
  • Business Type: Service Provider

Company Profile

Oniyosys, an India based programming testing organization renders end-to-end, proficient, programming testing administrations. Frequently in the quest for meeting stringent due dates, testing takes a secondary lounge. Oniyosys has confidence in building up solid organizations with our customers, tuning to their particular needs, offering the best-of-breed testing administrations on a 24X7 premise.


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