Suntech Applications Pvt. Ltd.

Suntech Applications Pvt. Ltd.

Emergency Urgent Care (ER)
  • Sector-9, Sunshine house, Vikas Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, 226022
  • *******467
  • Bu******@************com
  • Established: 2011

Company Profile

SunTech Applications delivers digital transformation and technology, cloud-based applications development, SaaS applications services company in INDIA, USA, CANADA ideation to execution enabling Global clients to outperform competitors. SunTech Applications was ‘Born mobile’ and continues to bring extraordinary depth across the entire Mobile and Cloud based SaaS development value-chain.

With a strong blend of expertise and execution, SunTech delivers remarkable customer experiences while driving greater efficiency and modernizing business operations. SunTech's expertise in infrastructure and cloud applications software development and management, combined with the unique Agile Center-of-Excellence, ensures that our clients release products and services to market faster and more cost-efficiently.

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