Taxi Service In Amritsar

Taxi Service In Amritsar

Homeo Clinic
  • #5, 49 Industrial Area, Near GNDU/CIPET, Amritsar, Punjab, India, 143001
  • *******000
  • ja***********@******com
  • Established: 2017
  • Business Type: Service Provider

Company Profile

JAG.CAB is a new generation business, which has redefined travel for leisure and business. It promises a luxury travel at affordable prices. JAG.CAB is happy to drive you to the popular hill resorts of Northern India in a chauffeur driven car, promising you to take cherishable memories back home. JAG CAB also runs a popular daily luxury service between Amritsar and Chandigarh. It takes you door to door faster than an airplane. It also offers Amritsar packages that take you through the city streets enunciating a history that dates back five to six centuries.


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